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My Favorite Vowel Pattern Phonics Game

Want your students to BEG to practice vowel patterns?

It’s seriously so easy – just turn it into a game. HINT if you call it a game it’s a game.  My students BEG me to play their favorite vowel pattern phonics game BAM. It is an easy, low prep, engaging game that you can even use to assess! I’ll share how and even share an extension activity! 

Let’s get started!

I created BAM as a way to make vowel pattern sorts more fun. 


7 years ago I was a fresh untrained reading interventionist and I read somewhere 
that having students sort words focusing on vowel patterns was a good instructional practice. 
So I began to make word cards for students to sort. This was ok and good but the students got tired of it before long. One day a particularly spicy student slammed their hand down on the 
table and yelled “BAM!” Everyone jumped and I asked, “what on earth was that for”? He replied, “I don’t know I just thought we needed some excitement.” 
So I decided to create a game out of the cards. 


How to Play the Vowel Pattern Phonics Game BAM

Students would draw from a pile, lay it in front of them. Read the word, if they read it correctly they get to keep it but if not it goes back into the pile.

You can even record words they missed to revisit later and see who has the Vowel Pattern fluently and who doesn’t.

If they get a BAM! card they have to put ALL of their cards back (but they keep the bam card or the game will never end).
 You keep playing until all of the cards are gone. Students like to then count to see how many cards they have etc. Sometimes I will give a small prize to the person with the most Bams and name them Bam king or queen just to keep it fun even if they got several bams.


The goal is fluency you want to keep the game moving.
 You can add a small sand timer if this is an issue.

How to Extend the Learning

To extend the learning have the students sort their cards and ask how they sorted.
 This really helps you see what part of the word students are focusing on.
 Beginning sounds
Vowel Patterns etc.
Want to try it for free?
Click this link HERE to join my email list and get a FREE BAM game sent to your inbox!
Ready to purchase on TPT?
HERE is the link to the COMPLETE Bundle – every BAM game I have ever made. Great if you change grade levels, or work with multiple grade levels as I do as a Reading Specialist.
There are grade-level bundles for Kindergarten, First, and Second as well so you can get just what you need.
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I’m Tess.the owner of The Krafty Teacher!

I love creating K-2 literacy resources for busy teachers that are low-prep and engaging so that all students can learn to read.