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Fun Spring STEM Activity

Today I am sharing a fun spring STEM activity you can use after Easter for Science Time. I don’t know about you but there are ALWAYS leftover packages of those awful sugar-coated marshmallow animals after Easter! And now they have started making them for other Holidays! Does anyone actually eat them besides my mother? Or like me do you just buy them because they are cute and it’s tradition? If you have leftover peeps and are trying to find a way to use them in your classroom that’s fun and engaging then this post is for you! Or if you want to go out and get some just for this activity it sounds like a good idea to me! Your students will thank you!

Why Peeps?

When I taught 4th grade science all day I always tried to incorporate food or candy into lessons if possible. Why? Who isn’t interested in food and or candy? Instant attention getter and behavior management tool! The kids always wanted to find out what new way I had found to make food and candy scientific and they ALWAYS hoped I had gotten them some for the end of the lesson!

Mixtures and Solutions

So to introduce mixtures and solutions and dissolving in the Spring it only seemed fitting to try to dissolve a PEEP! After I left 4th grade Science I added to this set to make it less specific and adaptable for other grade levels. It now includes:

Sink or Float

A great way to start making predictions. Students predict if a peep will sink or float and why.

The 5 Senses

Students use their five senses (like scientists do) and describe their peep.

Magic Water

For this activity, students observe what happens to the water the peep is in after several days.

Primary Experiment Page

I also added a primary friendly experiment page that younger students can dissolve peeps and record their observations.

The Upper Grades Investigation

Finally, the Original Investigation is included so that, upper grades students can do the investigation and it meets NGSS science standards and state Science Expectations.

I hope you can use this product and have some fun with this Spring STEM activity.

For more on STEM check out THIS post.

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I’m Tess.the owner of The Krafty Teacher!

I love creating K-2 literacy resources for busy teachers that are low-prep and engaging so that all students can learn to read.